
Posts Tagged ‘job’

“Your Career Is Calling”

April 10th, 2012 No comments
Yesterday I had the great pleasure of being interviewed on this radio program out of Rider Universtiy. Rod Colon and Frank Kovacs are the hosts for 60 minutes of career coaching, offering tips on job searching, networking, interviewing, and more.Your Career Is Calling empowers today’s students and career professionals to reach their career goals and aspirations. You can listen live on Sundays at 8AM or to a rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7PM at 107.7FM or replay at anytime.


Yesterday we were talking about obstacles that slow down or stop job seekers from being effective. The one that I spoke about was the mind set that assumes:  There are no jobs out there. Now keep in mind this is often said by someone who hasn’t had to look for work for a long while and who hasn’t even started to test the waters. In my book, “Eliminated! Now What?”, I devote a whole section to myths, lies and obstacles, including: I’m too old to get a job, I don’t have a network, I’m overqualified, there is no hiring over the summer or during the holidays, I can’t get a job because I don’t have a job and so on. To order my book go to:

or through the iBookstore app on Apple products.

Lastly, take advantage of free resouces like Rod and Frank’s radio program, “Your Career Is Calling.” And it’s a call in show so if you have questions, they are happy to answer them. Just call  877-900-1077.


When Being in Transition is an Advantage

March 29th, 2012 3 comments

Spoke on the phone today with a former client who was as excited as she has landed a new job. As we talked about it and I asked her to walk me through the steps, an interesting thing surfaced. The company had placed an ad for a Sales Manager but a few weeks later took it off their website. When she called to find out if she was in the running, HR told her that the company had decided not to fill that position.


Fast forward a few months and my client gets a call from the same company and learns that a different division needed a sales manager and asked HR to share the resumes they had previously collected. Hers was chosen because they knew she was in transition and might be more open to an opportunity that was temp to perm. In other words, being out of work made her a more attractive candidate. She went on the interview and got the job. So don’t assume that your current status, if you’re out of work, is a disadvantage.


Recap of “What’s Stopping You From Landing The Job You Want” Seminar

March 22nd, 2012 No comments

Great group at The Hamilton Public Library last week thanks to Katie and Nick DeVito of NJ Unemployed. It was interesting as we looked at my topic, “What’s Stopping You From Landing the Job You Want?” to see a range of reactions. At one end of the spectrum was anger and discouragement, and on the other end, excitement about a new venture. And of course everything in between.

Age seems to be a big issue that I hear about in almost every talk I give, so here’s my quick take. Make sure you’re up-to-date in your field and demonstrate the flexibility and enthusiasm of younger job seekers. Use your physical skills: posture, gesture, voice, and facial expression to communicate that you are excited about your work, not just looking for a paycheck. And be with it in terms of social media, especially LinkedIn, as this will help you come across as contemporary and trainable.

Rule number one: get out of the house and attend meetings like this one. You’ll make new friends, get energized and have the chance to help someone else. And it’s a healthy break from surfing the net. Lastly, whenever I attend a meeting, I set a quota for myself so that I don’t talk only to the people I know. I usually make myself meet three to five new people–even if it’s just a “hello.” Try this and you’ll find that others appreciate it and your network will continue to grow.


March 12th, 2012 No comments

I had lunch with a former client recently and as he and I compared notes on what had happened to us with our previous companies, it came to me that hard work, creativity, and making things happen can’t guarantee that our jobs are safe. In fact, as we talked about it, I almost felt as if the two things exist on separate, perhaps parallel universes.


We’ll call my former client Joe. He ended up in a senior role with a small company and had, in his words, “the time of his life.” The hours were long but he was building a department from the ground up and he loved his team and was so excited to see things take shape. His boss left and a new boss came in just a month shy of his performance review. That meeting should have been a tip-off–no matter what he said he couldn’t get the new boss to give him anything beyond “satisfactory.”


Things got worse, a lot worse, and as chance would have it, Joe learned about another position through his network. But because he was loyal and dedicated, he stuck it out a few more months until it finally hit him–no matter what he did, he was not going to be able to succeed. He accepted the new position and is now excited to be working where his talents are recognized (as they had been by his first boss.)


While my experience was different than Joe’s, I too had contributed in ways that were beyond my job requirements, but that didn’t keep me from losing my job. What he and I realized is that we’re proud to be strong contributors, we like making things happen, and that there are plenty of places where we’ll fit in just fine. So, besides a really good lunch, he and I confirmed who we are and what we care about. And we also know that we’ll help each other along the way. Not bad at all.  


Register Now! “What’s Stopping You From Landing the Job You Want” seminar this Tuesday

March 8th, 2012 No comments

Register Now!


What’s Stopping You From Landing the Job You Want?


Tuesday, March 13th from 9:30-11:30am

Hamilton Public Library, Hamilton, NJ


Jean will cover common obstacles that often get in the way of job seekers, how to stay motivated and organized and ways to make the process more enjoyable. In this interactive session, Jean will answer questions and be available with copies of her first book, “Eliminated! Now What? Finding Your Way from Job-Loss Crisis to Career Resilience.”


Register Here – 

How Low Expectations Can Lead to Great Results

March 1st, 2012 1 comment

I went on an interview recently and gave myself a good talking to–both as I prepared for it and on my way to their office–reminding myself that this was probably more of a networking meeting and not to expect much in the way of results. Because I almost always tell my clients to visualize success–to know what they want before an interview–I was in a strange way doing the opposite because my interactions with the company had led me to believe that it wasn’t a match. I had learned about the compensation (way below my most recent level) and that they had an immediate need that would have put me back into the kind of work that I had intentionally left many years ago, that would have also involved a killer commute. 


As I told my friends after:  “Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!” meaning that I was surprised and that the outcome was way more than I had expected. As I thought about it I realized that my “low expectations” had helped me be relaxed and probably improved my listening skills as I wasn’t trying to sell anything to the two interviewers. Of course I wanted them to know who I am and what I can do, but that happened in a very natural, easy going way. And I found it wasn’t difficult to let them know which kinds of work would be the best match, and when asked about compensation, I didn’t get specific but simply stated that I was confident we could come to an agreement.


I did follow my own advice after the interview and wrote down my analysis:  “This was a yes-yes. A this is who I am and this is who you are and wouldn’t it be fun to do business together. It felt like mutual admiration.” Of course I wrote my thank-you notes and we established a time frame for next steps. The wonderful thing about this interview experience is that even if it doesn’t lead to an offer, I felt affirmed and valued. A great result!


Let Go

February 16th, 2012 3 comments
It has come to this

The rug pulled

The walls crumbling

Because someone decided

My work is done.

And for two weeks

I bowed my head

And let them beat me,

But now I say no–

I want my power back,

I want me–confident me–

Who has a job to do.

So here’s my message:

I will be a company of one

CEO of a start-up–

And I’d just like to say

Try to stop me!


February 10th, 2012 4 comments

I was recently chatting with another career coach and when I told him that I’d been let go by a major outplacement firm after 15+ years of service, he commented that there was something particularly ironic about that. I agreed. After all,  my work consisted of meeting with people who had just been let go, and working with them through the search process. That would certainly make me prepared for what was coming, right? Wrong.

The full answer is I was somewhat prepared. I knew that as the company I worked for had acquired another company, job cuts were likely. My resume was in shape and I had spent a few months exploring some job leads. But here’s what hit me:



  •         I didn’t like the way I was notified (impersonal and cold with no mention of what I’d done for the company)
  • I was stunned that most of my colleagues kept silent even after I had sent out a short email about my upcoming departure
  • I felt lost and devalued
  • I missed being part of a team
  • And I was blown away by how quickly my work was forgotten.

Another confession. When I was working and a client told me something like, “I just can’t believe how busy I am. I don’t know how I had time to work!” my thinking was:  you’ve lost your structure and have become  inefficient. But now that I’m on the job seeking side of the great divide, I find myself saying the same thing and I don’t think I’m disorganized or running in circles. What I do think is that my life has much more variety in it. Every day is different, and if I want to take a short break from my search and run my dog  in the nearby field, I can do it. If I want to have lunch with an elderly neighbor, I make it happen. And I’m volunteering once a week at the local hospital which is rewarding. I’m also allowing myself to live with much less stress which means I don’t have to race from one thing to another.

If you’re part of an organization and colleagues are let go, please reach out to them. Invite them for lunch or talk on the phone. It will make a huge difference. And if, like me, you’re one of the thousands who have been let go, remember you own your value which hasn’t changed, your true friends will stay in touch with you, and make sure to keep your networking active as it’s really encouraging to make new friends, too. And one last thing–get over your pride and be the one to reach out if you don’t hear from people. They’ll be glad you did, and so will you.