
Posts Tagged ‘career counselor’

How Much Is Enough?

February 24th, 2012 2 comments

I was on the phone recently with another career counselor, and since he knows I’m in transition, he asked me how my stress levels are. We talked about that a bit and then he said that most people just exchange the stress of a job for the stress of job search and never give themselves that quiet time, do nothing time to really get in touch with their deepest self. He told me to “experience stillness” and that from that place something new will grow. Not easy to do but I think he’s right. He also said that in his practice most job seekers get addicted to crisis mode–you know, I’ve got to do this right now because… A lot to think about.

This reminded me of a former client of mine who couldn’t stop searching even after hours at his computer. We had talked about balance, we had discussed self-care and how important that was, but nothing helped. He was still driving himself and his family crazy so one day I told him that I had a present for him. His face lit up until he saw my gift:  a piece of paper with a large, black X on it. I said to him, “Starting at 5PM every day, I want you to tape this over your monitor. You are done your work for the day and must wait until the next day to go back online.” He agreed to try it, and although I think he had a few slips where he sneaked back to his desk after everyone was asleep, it helped him stop.

I can’t say if this is what helped him land a new job which he did, but I do think it helped him not run himself into the ground. Put in a good 20-30 hours of week of smart searching (that means don’t just answer internet ads but network, research companies, go to job search group meetings, etc.) and then enjoy your remaining time. Take a walk, read a good book, visit a neighbor, take a class–do things you enjoy. It might just help you land your next opportunity.