Home > Burnout, Jean, job search > WAITING


January 16th, 2018 Leave a comment Go to comments

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Henry and Rudy waiting by the door, watching the geese in the field.

I don’t  know about you, but I’m terrible at waiting. I don’t like to do it, whether stuck behind a car that has suddenly stopped for no reason, or in line at a restaurant. It makes me twitchy. But I recently heard a sermon about emptiness–really about how we have to tolerate “no” before we can get to a “yes”, and that helped me look at waiting a little differently. (And by the way, Henry and Rudy are really good at this.)

Emptiness is scary. It can make us feel alone, useless, uncertain. But the sermon I heard helped me see it’s also a creative time–a time of possibilities. It’s time when we can reflect, pause, breathe, and let go. It forces us to be present, and like meditation, gives us the gift of the here and now.

That’s my goal for the New Year. To wait, consider, take my time, see what happens.

Categories: Burnout, Jean, job search Tags:
  1. Linda
    January 16th, 2018 at 14:17 | #1

    Hi Jean,

    Another great message from everyday life! You often focus on topics that people believe are unique to themselves. If we only realized that they’re normal, everyday thoughts for everyone.

    It’s good to remember that winter can be comfy and warm, and it can be stark and cold from days of frigid winds. Good time to expand volunteer work – there is always a warm feeling that comes from helping others.