A very timely new book, on a subject that can help so many!
I’m a believer and follower. Please send an autographed copy of “Joy Unleashed”, and we’ll send you a check for the book and postage.
Nice photo of Jean and Bella!
Linda, Bruce, Maggie and Murphy
You got it! And you can tell your friends about my free AARP webinar on December 1, 2016, 3PM, and they can get a free e-copy of my book. Register at http://bit.ly/2fBVDay
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A very timely new book, on a subject that can help so many!
I’m a believer and follower. Please send an autographed copy of “Joy Unleashed”, and we’ll send you a check for the book and postage.
Nice photo of Jean and Bella!
Linda, Bruce, Maggie and Murphy
You got it! And you can tell your friends about my free AARP webinar on December 1, 2016, 3PM, and they can get a free e-copy of my book. Register at http://bit.ly/2fBVDay