Home > Jean, job search > You’re Never Too Old to Find Work

You’re Never Too Old to Find Work

December 19th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

There are many myths out there that stop job seekers from finding work, and one of them, for us Boomers, is that we’re too old and no one will hire us. Listen to  my recent podcast with Andy Asher of BloomerBoomer and see what you think:  Listen.

There are a lot of strong reasons why companies need seasoned employees. And by the way, don’t use the word “old” in talking about yourself. I prefer “mature” or “seasoned.” Sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?

Categories: Jean, job search Tags:
  1. Linda
    December 19th, 2013 at 16:32 | #1

    This is a terrific interview, Jean. As you know, I’m a listener with much experience in the “boomer transition arena,” and your ideas are always timely and right on.

    You consistently offer the best ways to seek the right positions, as well as maintain one’s sanity and health in the trying times of job search. Your mention of ‘treating yourself’ by a walk or volunteering were two things I did daily and weekly during my search. Both of those activities are also outstanding ways to meet new or old friends – the best way to hear about job opportunities! It was through volunteering that I ended up with two opportunities in my last search.

    Just more evidence to substantiate that the Baur Program works! Best to you! Linda