Home > Jean, job search > DON’T BE A TURKEY!


November 25th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

This is an odd post to write, having been a vegetarian for the past 43 years, but in thinking about networking during the holiday season, that’s what came to me. Don’t just sit there. Don’t be part of the decorations, but instead talk to people, engage them, let them know–whether it’s your old uncle or a cousin’s new boyfriend–what you’re looking for. Sound excited. Give an example of what you can contribute in your field whether it’s science, technology, admin or working in fast food. People like to help. They like to connect those they care about with others. They want to see the magic of a good job happen, so even if you decide to stuff yourself,  engage in conversation, and you’ll be one of smart people getting hired in December or early January. And if there aren’t enough people at home to talk with, volunteer at a soup kitchen and you’ll be surrounded–and have a good time.

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