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Hoping for someone to “get it”

September 27th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I realized recently, in networking, that my number one dream has been for someone to “get it.” By that I mean get what I can do and make a connection to a job. Rather than “it’s been nice talking with you”, I wanted:  “Hey, you’d be perfect for ….. and let me help you make that happen.” Not a bad wish, really, but in the end a frustrating one as that isn’t what happens.

As job seekers we have to be our own connectors or bridges. So in addition to talking with people, we need to ask questions so that our agenda is clear. Here’s a few sample questions:

-Do you see me as a good fit for (fill in the blank)?

-From what I know so far, I could be a strong contributor here. What might be some next steps?

-Thanks for asking me to volunteer. I know how important that is which is why I’m already volunteering with several organizations. My goal is to be part of your staff, even if that’s on a part-time basis as I’m confident that my skills can help you (fill in the blank.)

Yes, these questions are hard to ask and many of us may feel uncomfortable asking them. My advice:  get over it and do it. But make sure to deliever your message with a smile. As my favorite job search mantra reminds me, “They’d be lucky to have you.”

Categories: Jean, job search Tags:
  1. Evelyn Good
    September 28th, 2012 at 07:29 | #1

    Great advice Jean. I enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Jean
    October 1st, 2012 at 10:25 | #2

    Glad it was helpful. It isn’t easy to grow up!