Home > Burnout, Jean > STARS AND A CRESCENT MOON


November 16th, 2017 Leave a comment Go to comments


As we approach the holiday season, I thought a little poetry might be a good gift. A way to pause, breathe, slow down. Here are a few lines from Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet, translated by Coleman Barks. This is the last stanza of a poem titled “A Bowl.”

“The universe and the light of the stars come through me.

I am the crescent moon put up

over the gate to the festival.”

(Image courtesy of Adobe images)

Categories: Burnout, Jean Tags:
  1. Linda
    November 16th, 2017 at 11:12 | #1

    Very nice verse, Jean.

    Simple, light and uplifting…just the way we want our Holidays to be!

    Cheers! Linda

    • Jean
      December 1st, 2017 at 10:18 | #2

      Thanks, Linda. Hope you and Bruce and dogs have a great holiday. Jean