Home > Burnout, Jean > BURNOUT: WHAT’S IT GOT TO DO WITH ME?


August 18th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

If you’re experiencing burnout, you may be like many people and blame your condition on external factors. Perhaps you have a demanding boss, or young children at home, or are caring for a sick parent. You feel as if you never have any time for yourself as you rush from one thing to the next, always late, frazzled and unfocused. And while external factors often play a large role in creating burnout, it’s only part of the picture.

Who we are, our responses, how we handle stress, are just as important as the external causes of burnout. So here’s one quick exercise you can do right now to find out how you’re contributing to your own burnout:

  1. Write down one thing that’s bothering you.
  2. Add to that, how you could be part of the problem. Are you, for example, overly responsible? Are you carrying grudges that make you irritable? Write down one characteristic that you have that could make that problem worse.
  3. Lastly, what one step could you take today to change your reaction? Could you, for example, take a few deep breaths before you answer someone who’s annoyed with you? Could you let go of feeling responsible for everything and let yourself be in this moment? Is there something you could learn to laugh at?

There are no quick solutions to the complicated problem of burnout, but see if some small steps start to get you headed in the right direction. And please share what’s worked for you.

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